News from the 2020 Gathering

Events and highlights
Lone Star Cowboy Poetry Gathering open mic

Open mic signup available

Ready to perform at the Gathering? Sign up online now for the open mic sessions, to be held at 3:30 PM each day (Friday and Saturday, 2/21 & 2/22). Performance slots are limited, and we expect to build a waiting list.

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Youth Poetry Contest poster image

"Carrying on the Tradition" Youth Poetry Contest

Calling young poets to join the Lone Star Cowboy Poetry Gathering by writing and submitting an original poem. See full guidelines and rules online. Note that the poem must be postmarked, dropped off at one of the designated locations, or e-mailed by January 29, 2020.

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Lone Star Cowboy Poetry Gathering Founding Member 2020 belt buckle

"Founding Member 2020" custom belt buckle announced

Founding Members at the $100 per month or $1000 per year level will receive a custom "Lone Star Cowboy Poetry Gathering Founding Member 2020" belt buckle, crafted with pride by Gist Silversmiths in the USA, along with their other member benefits. Buckles are minted through a superior technology and hand finished. For 50 years, Gist Silversmiths has set the standard for silver buckle design and craftsmanship. $275 value.

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Volunteer Training
Tues., Jan. 7 from 7-7:45 PM

General training session for all Gathering volunteers. Training for specific tasks will be available via the internet. Sign up online. Location: Sunshine House, Alpine, TX.

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