Tickets for Feb. 20-22, 2025

Hear the music and poetry live in Alpine!
Chuckwagon Breakfasts
Biscuits, sausage gravy, scrambled eggs, and coffee in the brisk morning air of Poet's Grove in Kokernot Park.

Fri., Feb. 21, 7:30-8:30 AM
$10 per person (tax included)

Sat., Feb. 22, 7:30-8:30 AM
$10 per person (tax included)

Poet's Grove, Kokernot Park map
Friday morning: A Taste of the Gathering (free; 10:45-11:45 AM)
Saturday morning: Free sessions (10:00-10:45 AM and 11:00-11:45 AM)
Afternoon Shows (1 PM)

Fri., Feb. 21, 1:00-1:45 PM
"Handed Down"
Allan Chapman and Rodeo Kate, Rod Taylor, and Jake Riley
$20 online; $25 onsite

Sat., Feb. 22, 1:00-1:45 PM
" . . . And I Will Go to Texas"
Pipp Gillette, Jeff Gore, and Dale Burson
$20 online; $25 onsite

Marshall Auditorium, SRSU map
Friday afternoon: Free sessions (2:00-3:15 PM and 3:30-4:45 PM)
Saturday afternoon: Free sessions (2:00-3:15 PM and 3:30-4:45 PM)
Late Afternoon Shows (3:30 PM)

Fri., Feb. 21, 3:30-4:45 PM
"Cowpuncher Songs: Old and New"
R.W. Hampton, Andy Hedges, Trinity Seely, and Chris Ryden
$25 online; $30 onsite

Sat., Feb. 22, 3:30-4:45 PM
"Straight Ridin' Job"
Randy Rieman, Joel Nelson, Brenn Hill, and Ross Knox
$25 online; $30 onsite

Marshall Auditorium, SRSU map
Cowboy Suppers
Supper ticket sales ended February 10.
Catered meals to expand the number of tables available in town.

Thu., Feb. 20, 5:30-7:00 PM
Menu: Chicken-fried sirloin with cream gravy, scalloped potatoes, creamed spinach, green goddess salad, Roux biscuits, chocolate chunk and coconut pecan cookies. Catered by Roux Alpine.
$33 per plate advance (tax and tip included).
Available until Feb. 10. Not available onsite.

Fri., Feb. 21, 5:30-7:00 PM
Menu: Taco pie with beef, queso, tortillas, and chiles; borracho beans; yellow rice; green salad with ranch and chopped vegetables; Mexican chocolate pecan cake. Catered by Roux Alpine.
$33 per plate advance (tax and tip included).
Available until Feb. 10. Not available onsite.

Sat., Feb. 22, 5:30-7:00 PM
Menu: Pot roast with gravy, mashed sour cream potatoes, green beans with bacon, warm dinner rolls, cherry peach cobbler. Catered by Roux Alpine.
$33 per plate advance (tax and tip included).
Available until Feb. 10. Not available onsite.

Alpine Civic Center, 801 W. Holland Ave. map
Thursday Night Show
"Western Voices"
Joel Nelson, Juni Fisher, Amy Hale, and Kristyn Harris

Thu., Feb. 20, 7:30-9:45 PM
Gene Nowell, MC
$35 online; $40 onsite

Marshall Auditorium, SRSU map
Friday Night Show
"Out Under the Stars"
Randy Rieman, Brigid and Johnny Reedy, R.P. Smith, and Brenn Hill

Fri., Feb. 21, 7:30-9:45 PM
$35 online; $40 onsite

Marshall Auditorium, SRSU map
Saturday Night Show
"Around the Campfire"
Andy Nelson, Skip Gorman, Jake Riley, and R.W. Hampton

Sat., Feb. 22, 7:30-9:45 PM
Patrick Sullivan, MC
$45 online; $50 onsite

Marshall Auditorium, SRSU map

