Randy Rieman

Poet, reciter, horse trainer
photo of Randy Rieman

Randy Rieman has had a love affair with the spoken word for over 40 years. For 35 years he has shared his passion for poetry with audiences at the National Cowboy Poetry Gathering in Elko, Nevada, where he is considered to be one of the premier reciters of both classic cowboy poetry and traditional Australian bush poetry. Randy has also been known to pick up his guitar and share a song or two or tell an audience a bit of a story from his life with horses and stockmen. About 6 years ago, Randy created a presentation of the illustrated letters of the great western artist, C.M. Russell. His enthusiasm for these letters is infectious and this presentation has become a favorite of audiences everywhere.

Randy lives with his partner Jenn Swanson on their place near Choteau, Montana where she is a professor at a local university and Randy continues to start and train young horses at home. He also spends a fair bit of time on the road these days conducting horsemanship, ranch roping, and cattle-handling clinics around the U.S. as well as Switzerland, France and Germany. Randy has two cowboy poetry CDs available as well as the DVD Four Strands Of Rawhide featuring legendary horseman and braider Bill Dorrance.

Website: randyrieman.com

Cowboy Crossroads, episode 13 - Andy Hedges interviews Randy Rieman, part 1

Cowboy Crossroads, episode 14 - Andy Hedges interviews Randy Rieman, part 2