Darrell Holden

Cowboy poet and rancher
photo of Darrell Holden

Darrell Holden is a proud fifth-generation rancher who raises cattle on the West Desert of Utah. He started writing cowboy poetry in 1983 while a freshman in high school, and started performing after gentle nudges by his mother, wife, and daughter. ("Nudges" may have been slightly veiled threats of bodily harm.)

He writes about his life: humor, strife, pain, joy, and anything ranching. Carrying the legacy handed to him from his ancestors, he is a fierce defender of ranching families and the stewardship we all have with livestock and nature. Darrell finds writing to be therapeutic and healing for his heart.

Married to his best friend and sweetheart, Angie, they have two amazing kids, who are both top hands. Darrell is happiest a-horseback with family among cattle.

YouTube: youtube.com/@WestDesertPoet